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WELCOME BACK We are pleased to
announce that Topsail United Church has reopened for IN PERSON
Virtual worship will also continue.
If you wish to make a bulletin dedication for Christmas Eve, please put it in writing & place it in the offering plate, drop it off at the church office or email it to: office by noon Friday, December 11.
Christmas “Hamper” Donations
In the past the CBS/Paradise Food Bank has distributed over 400 hampers in the form of Gift Cards for food for Christmas. This year we are expecting an increase in need.
A single person receives $50 Gift Card, a family of 2-3 receives $75 Gift Card and a family of 4 or more receives $100 Gift Card. Please donate as you are able, every bit helps and is gratefully appreciated. Donations will be received up until Jan. 2nd 2021. To request a Christmas Hamper in the CBS/Paradise area, please contact the CBS/Paradise Food Bank at 834-2800 by December 4th. Distribution of the Christmas “Hamper” Gift Cards will be December 14th to the 18th. The Food Bank will be closed December 19th and will reopen on January 5th.
Emmanuel House Fundraiser.
We are not able to have the OutReach Christmas Dinner this year and that event usually raises the $500.00 that we give to Emmanuel House at Christmas each year, along with your donated toiletries, new clothes etc. etc. for Stella’s Circle.
The Coffee Group is having a little fundraiser which involves the purchase of a kit containing 6 Epicure Spices, featuring their top selling seasonings all in a nice collection box: Taco Seasoning, Sweet & Sour Stir Fry, Pulled Chicken, Southern Baked Gluten Free Bread Crumb Mix, Mac & Cheese, and Chocolate Pudding, all for $25.00 per box. Outreach will keep $10.00 of each kit sold. 50 Kits sold will give us our $500.00 any excess will go to the Mission & Service Fund. These kits make lovely Christmas gifts. Please call or email Gillian 781-1562 or by Dec. 7th to place your order for pre-Christmas delivery. You will be notified when your order is available for pick up at the church. Payment is due on pick up. Thank you
SCHEDULE FOR SERVICES THIS DECEMBER Below is the Church Service Schedule until the New Year
December 13: Advent 3 Joy 10:30 in-person and on-line
Given the difficult
year this has been, let’s make
next week in ‘pretty
Christmas sweaters’, ‘ugly
December 20: Advent 4 Love 10:30 on-line only
Family Sunday featuring a Virtual Pageant
December 21:
Longest Night Service
(Blue Christmas) 7:00 pm.
December 24: Christmas Eve 4:00 pm in-person and on-line
Christmas Eve 8:00 pm in-person and * Please note some consideration is being given for an outdoor service on Christmas Eve, notice will be given if this is able to take place
December 27: Christmas 1 Christmas Carol Service on-line only
Our thanks to all who have participated in our on-line services and special thanks to Brett for all his work in filming and producing the services and to Andrew and Beth for all their music..
2019 ANNUAL CHURCH REPORT: A copy of the Topsail United 2019 Annual Report can be read HERE. This is a DRAFT version subject to approval at the AGM.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please remember to read the Other Church and Community Announcements for information on other events and activities you may be interested in. Also read the Week's Activities page for information on events taking place in the church in the upcoming week. _________________ |
PLEASE NOTE: Announcements on this page are those concerning Topsail United Church only. For information about what is happening at other churches, please go to Other Church Announcements and for information about activities in the Community, go to Community Announcements Copies of Annual Reports and Newsletters can be found HERE. CHURCH GROUPS: For more information on the different groups and when they meet, CLICK HERE
Email: or
Please check us out on
Please read our November 2020 Newsletter that can be found HERE The need for donations of food or cash has greatly increased due the impact of the Covid-19 virus. Please consider making a special donation of food or cash to the Food Bank during these troubled times. You can drop your gift off at the Food Bank Tue-Fri between 9:00am and 2:00pm Thank You We can now receive donations online, and issue tax receipts virtually. Please visit our CanadaHelps page for more details and to donate.
Highlighted below are the items the Food Bank is currently urgently needing.
Thank you” to all those of you who have supported the Food Bank with donations of food and money in response to our Christmas Hamper Appeal and in the past.
The Food Bank
is located at 81 CBS Highway, Manuels. Phone: 834-2800
COMMUNITY OF FAITH PROFILE: Topsail United Church has revised their Community of Faith Profile. To see a copy of the revised Community Profile please click HERE MISSION & SERVICE GOLD BANKS. Many thanks to those people who faithfully support the United Church Mission & Service Fund through their envelopes and PAR donations. We also provide “Gold Banks” for your loose coins and the total for 2019 in these banks amounted to an extra $298.85 for the M&S fund. Thank you. There are some “Gold Banks” in the vestibule and more will be made available. Please take one, put your name on it and bring it back to the church when it is full. The amount will be credited to your tax receipt. BULLETIN DEDICATIONS may be made" in Memory of" or "in Celebration & Thanksgiving for". You may call the Church office (834-4567) to provide the wording for your dedication or we will call you prior to the date of the dedication for the details. If we cannot reach you the wording will read " In Memory of Loved Ones, by ...." PAR (PRE-AUTHORIZED REMITTANCE) is a convenient way to provide consistent, year-round financial support for our Church. If you would like to contribute through PAR, please contact the office.
RECYCLING FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL & YOUTH: If you would like to donate your recycling containers, you may do so by putting a sticker on them labelled “Topsail United Church Sunday School”. Please feel free to take some labels from the vestibule USHERS: Looking for ushers, for Sunday services . Please consider contributing to our church family in this way . We are looking for both female and male ushers . Age is not a factor , all are welcome . If you can help out here , please contact the office or Doreen Cave @ 834 5464
Gifts of Vision is your opportunity to change someone’s life while honouring family and friends in any life occasion or season. Your gifts can transform people’s lives through our Mission and Service partners around the world. Catalogues are available in the vestibule. Everyone will find something to share with the special people in their lives. Gifts are available in a range of dollar amounts, as well as for many areas of need: hunger, shelter, education, health, safety, mobility, and more. A gift from the catalogue is a celebration of faith, the United Church, and the special events that give our lives meaning. We hope the options offered will allow all of us to help change the world through our gift-giving. IN MEMORIAM CARDS EAST DISTRICT CHAPLANCY: East District Executive has given permission for the use of these cards within our Pastoral Charges as a fundraiser for our Chaplaincy ministry. Expressing condolences through memorial gifts has become a very meaningful way of remembering departed loved ones and friends. Most obituaries these days either name a charity or give the option of donating to the charity of one's choice. This practice provides a double benefit. It gives friends a meaningful way of remembering and helps charitable organizations fulfill their mission in challenging times. The New are available in the vestibule. HEARING IMPAIRED: The Board of Topsail United Church wishes to advise members of the congregation that consideration will be given to purchasing for hearing impaired members portable hearing aids for their use during church service at Topsail United Church. Any hearing impaired member of the Congregation wishing to avail of this potential service please advise the Church Office or any member of the Board." MORE CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS... See General Church Information for more information about activities at Topsail United Church. THE BOARD CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK! If you have a question or comment about an aspect of the operation of the Church that the Board is responsible, do not hesitate to speak to a Board member or to contact the Chair of the Board, by leaving a message at the Church Office 834-4567 SEVERE ALLERGIES: there are persons in our congregation who have a severe allergy to Lilies. Please consider another type of flower if you wish to place flowers in the Church. SUNDAY SCHOOL NICKELS: The penny is being phased out of Canadian currency. As a result, our Sunday School children will be collecting nickels from the congregation to donate to the 'Nickel Bucket.' There is a bucket available in the vestibule and also one in the Sunday School! Each year, monies collected from the Buckets are donated to a variety of global social justice initiatives. PARENTS WITH CHILDREN: There is a nursery corner for toddlers available downstairs in the Church Hall during our worship service. The nursery corner features a rocking chair, toy box, and children's furniture. A washroom with a change table is available in the Church Hall. The Conference Room is also available if a private nursing area is required. The Conference Room can be accessed through the side doors at the front of the sanctuary. There is a washroom located within the Conference Room. Our children's program, Godly Play, is available most Sundays and is primarily designed for children ages 4 - 11. The Godly Play room is adjacent to the Church Hall and is supervised by two adults, the storyteller and the door person. FOOD ALLERGIES: During our Sunday morning children’s ministry, Godly Play, we often share a small meal, “the feast”, consisting of fruit juice, water, cookies, and/or fruit. Please notify our Godly Play leaders if your child has any food allergies or special requirements.
LARGE PRINT BULLETINS: We have available in the front Vestibule some large print bulletins for anyone who may need one, just ask the ushers
OVERFLOW PARKING: The S.U.F. have kindly offered the use of their parking to us for Sunday mornings when our own car park is full.
CHURCH ACTIVITIES & GROUPS: You will find on the various pages of this web site information about the activities for all the Church Groups. Plan to become an active member of your church. Information on most programs can be found by Clicking Here